Women’s Healthcare


The menopause refers to the time after a woman stops having regular periods. Technically it is diagnosed after 12 months without a menstrual period. This is caused by the ovaries running out of eggs, and usually occurs around 50-51 years of age.

Menstrual Disorders

The menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of the period to the first day of the next period. It is a range of anywhere between 21 -45 days for teenagers and younger women. For adult women the range is usually between 28-35 days.

Fibroids, Cysts & Endometriosis

Fibroids are benign (non-cancerous) lumps that grow in the uterus, arising from the muscle fibers of the uterus wall. Fibroids are relatively common and may affect up to 25% of women.

Cancer Prevention

The main gynaecological and female cancers are breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer. Of these, only breast cancer and cervical cancer have screening tests that are recommended.

Pregnancy & Childbirth

Our firm belief is to empower each woman to experience her pregnancy in a way she feels most comfortable, in an environment that is safe and reassuring, while at the same time never compromising on the safety of both mother and baby.

Cervix Cancer

Cervical cancer is the 10th most common female cancer in Singapore, but it is much more common in many other parts of the world, particularly in Asia. Practically all cases are caused by HPV infection and tends to be diagnosed at a late stage when a woman may experience abnormal vaginal bleeding, bleeding after sex, a bloody/watery vaginal discharge, pelvic pain or feel a mass below.

Vaginal Discharge / Itch

A common complaint for many women is the presence of a vaginal discharge with or without itching. The causes of excessive discharge/itch are many, and may be caused by infections, hormonal changes, bacterial imbalance, use of unsuitable sanitary products or other skin conditions.

HPV & HPV Vaccination

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for practically all cases of cervical cancer. It is also responsible for many other cancers including anal, vulva, vagina and oropharyngeal (throat) cancers. It also causes cancer of the penis, anus and oropharynx cancers in men. In addition, some strains of HPV cause warts in the genital region.

PAP Smear

The pap smear is one of the established methods for screening and early detection of cervical cancer. It should be performed at regular intervals to be effective. A small amount of cells is obtained from the cervix using a soft plastic brush. The entire procedure should take no more than 1-2 minutes and is usually painless.


Colposcopy is a specialized examination of the cervix using a high resolution microscope. It allows any pre-cancer or cancerous cells in the cervix to be seen long before any symptoms or visible growths on the cervix are present.